Cell phones and other mobile devices have changed how people work. Businesses are realizing that letting employees work away from the office can save money and make them more efficient. This can help companies compete by offering lower prices and better service. But there are also new problems to handle, like making sure everything stays safe and secure. This is a challenge for IT managers.
- Conduct an audit to test networks, applications, and mobile devices and thoroughly assess vulnerabilities
- Develop a strategy that fits your organization’s requirements
- Assess the security of your cloud application services
- Implement multi-layered security technology and protocols on all your devices and end points
- Create and enforce security policies for mobile devices
- Educate employees about security best practices
- Encrypt your data
- Can mobile desktop virtualization mitigate security risks and control IT costs and resources?
- How will you unite strategies for bringing mobile access to various cloud apps?
- How will your already overextended IT department handle the additional demands of an increasing number of mobile-enabled employees?
Implementing mobility in an organization brings forth numerous benefits, but it also entails its fair share of challenges. To effectively navigate this landscape, decisions must be made regarding the strategies, initiatives, and practices the organization wishes to adopt and the most efficient means of achieving them.
The organization itself defines the initiatives it undertakes, such as BYOD (bring your own device), CYOD (choose your own device), COPE (company-owned, personally enabled), or even allowing the use of personal technology that is not officially sanctioned. However, each of these approaches poses its own set of challenges, particularly in terms of security.
Mobile devices inherently possess vulnerabilities that can serve as potential gateways for unauthorized access to corporate networks and sensitive data. Before addressing security concerns, the first hurdle is to identify and manage a diverse array of devices, platforms, and protocols within the network. Subsequently, IT departments must possess the capability to regulate network access for mobile devices and discern multiple devices utilizing identical identity-based login credentials.

Enable BYOD capabilities for your employees while protecting corporate data and application access with Microsoft Intune.
Intune can even protect your data if an app accesses both corporate and personal data, as is the case for Office mobile apps.

The Enterprise Mobility Suite is a comprehensive cloud solution from Microsoft created to consumerize IT and address BYOD challenges. Using identity-driven protection allows for flexibility and productivity without compromise. This cost-effective solution includes Microsoft’s Azure AD Premium, Intune, and Azure Right Management and more.